Many students today want to be admitted to one of the best engineering college in Roorkee however there are a few things that they should keep in mind before pursuing an academic career in engineering. This article aims to illustrate some important tips that engineering students should keep in mind before joining an engineering college.
Candidates need to appear for competitive entrance examinations like JEE Advanced, JEE Mains, WBJEE, VITEEE, SRMJEE, UPSEE/UPTO, etc. Students stay under the impression that only getting admission into engineering colleges is tough but life at the engineering college itself is fun and frolic. The reality is that going to college also means independence in a lot of aspects of life however, this independence comes with a great deal of responsibility. For the first time in adult life, students become responsible for their actions and have to make decisions for themselves. College is not only about attaining academic knowledge, it shapes the overall personality of an individual and reflects in their activities throughout their life. The Phonics Group of Institutions is the best Diploma in ME College in Roorkee, as it focuses on building the overall personality of a student as opposed to just producing able engineers.

Following are the few things that should be kept in mind before getting into any engineering college:
- Punctuality and Discipline: One of the main issues that college students face is the lack of sleep which results in decreased motivation. During school, the parents are always there to make sure that their children are always on time. However, in college, there is no one there physically to keep track of. Due to the lack of dedication and late-night socializing, students land up missing morning classes. This eventually becomes a vicious cycle and students fall behind in their academic schedules. It is vital that students stay disciplined and not let their grades drop just for a few extra hours of sleep. The Phonics Group of Institutions is the best Diploma in ME College in Roorkee. They ensure a good and supportive student culture for their, students, to stay on track.
- Consistent Study Pattern: Most students land up studying the night before the examination in place of just achieving passing marks. This is extremely detrimental to the academic health of a student. It is good to socialize but maintaining a balance is of prime importance. In the first year, itself, making a tight study schedule should be the topmost priority. Some of the best Diploma in Civil College in Uttarakhand hire professional counsellors who help students make a strict timetable.
- Attendance: This is the biggest concern amongst students today. As soon as students enter college, distractions come knocking at their doors, and more often than not, students fall prey to them. Most engineering colleges expect a 75 percent attendance to make sure that students cover sufficient coursework. The only tool to do well in examinations is to attend classes regularly. The Phonics Group of Institutions is the best Diploma in Civil College in Uttarakhand.
- Mindful of Money: College life teaches one major aspect of adult life which is budgeting. Being mindful of spending on partying and socializing goes a long way. Students should refrain from taking credit cards from banks as well.
- Beware of Ragging: Engineering colleges had a notorious reputation for ragging however with the recent order of the Supreme Court, ragging is banned and it is the responsibility of the college to oversee the safety of their students. The Phonics Group of Institutions is the best engineering college in Roorkee.